The Law of Reversion And Attraction in Islam
Hukum Tarik-Menarik Dalam Islam
General Background: The "law of attraction" has been widely discussed in psychology and spirituality, often centered on ideas of energy, intent, and outcome, primarily from a Western perspective. Specific Background: However, Islamic texts also address these concepts, framing them as divine laws that influence an individual’s actions and outcomes. Knowledge Gap: Despite these intersections, few studies have examined the laws of attraction and repulsion from both Islamic and psychological perspectives, highlighting a gap in understanding their practical implications within an Islamic framework. Aims: This research aims to provide a nuanced analysis of these laws, using linguistic and jurisprudential approaches to align Islamic beliefs with modern psychological concepts. Results: The findings indicate that Islamic teachings on attraction and repulsion foster moral and spiritual accountability, reinforcing that actions align with rewards or consequences through a divinely ordained system. Novelty: By integrating perspectives from Islamic texts with contemporary psychological theories, this study bridges a significant interpretative gap, showing how these laws can inform behavior within Islamic societies. Implications: This research explores the impact of Islamic and psychological concepts on attraction and repulsion, highlighting their potential to influence ethical behavior, social harmony, and personal growth across various cultural contexts.
- Islam-Psychology Link: Integrates attraction and repulsion concepts across disciplines.
- Moral Consequences: Islamic view aligns actions with ethical and spiritual outcomes.
- Cultural Impact: Examines influence on behavior within Islamic societies.
Keywords: Attraction, Repulsion, Islamic Law, Human Behavior, Psychological Influence
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