Religiosity's Influence on Money Attitude, Self-Control, and Income in Shaping Consumptive Behavior: A Quantitative Analysis
Pengaruh Religiusitas pada Sikap terhadap Uang, Kendali Diri, dan Pendapatan dalam Membentuk Perilaku Konsumtif: Analisis Kuantitatif.
This study employs a quantitative approach to investigate the impact of money attitude, self-control, and income level on consumptive behavior, with religiosity as a moderating variable. Using Likert scale data collection and Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis, our findings reveal that money attitude and self-control positively influence consumptive behavior, while income level has a significant effect. Notably, religiosity moderates the relationship between self-control and consumptive behavior. These results shed light on the intricate interplay between individual financial attitudes, self-control, religiosity, and income level, providing valuable insights for researchers and policymakers seeking to understand and mitigate consumer behavior patterns.
- Money Attitude and Self-Control Influence Consumption: Money attitude and self-control are significant factors shaping consumer behavior.
- Religiosity as a Moderator: Religiosity plays a moderating role in the relationship between self-control and consumptive behavior.
- Implications for Policy and Research: These findings offer insights for policymakers and researchers studying financial behavior and its societal implications.
Keywords: Consumptive Behavior, Money Attitude, Religiosity, Self-Control, Income Level
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